VisualARQ to Allplan

Hi guys,

we are trying to implement VisualARQ for drafting in our office. Now we need to figure out a seamless workflow between VisualARQ and ALLPLAN. Especially to keep or organise an equal Structure of both programs is essecial.

I would love to get some help!



Hello @user28,

VisualARQ allows you to export your model to an IFC file which you can later import into another software (such as Allplan); you can also import IFC files into VisualARQ. It looks like Allplan allows you to import/export with IFC files as well, so I think this is the best option.

Here you have a video about how to import/export IFC files with VisualARQ: IFC Import & Export from Revit to Rhino and from Rhino to Revit - YouTube