VisualARQ support for Grasshopper Player

Hi there! Would it be possible to add support for VisualARQ inputs and Bakes within the GrasshopperPlayer system? I’m already seeing a huge amount of advantages if it would be possible. Implementing simple quality of life scripts would be as simple as creating an Alias for the Grasshopper Player. This would mean that we could get people who are scared to death by the spaghetti monster to actually use it without even knowing it. This would also greatly offset the time required to learn the SDK for simple tasks that are easy to do in Grasshopper(And that you already support)


Hi @rheinason, we are truly interested to support Grasshopper Player with VA components, but we rely on a rhino issue that still needs to be fixed by McNeel developers:


Hi Francesc, no news of this yet right? This would be such a nice addition.

Hi Roi,
We are working on that. This feature might be included in VisualARQ 2.12, so I’ll keep you posted!


This is awesome news!

@rheinason Roi, VisualARQ 2.12 is out, and also the support to GH Player.

The current limitation is that VA objects can’t be referenced yet. But we are working on that for future releases.

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When will there be this function? ( referenced to VA objects)


@miguelayora3 Since VisualARQ 2.13, it is already possible to reference VisualARQ objects with the GH Player. You need to use the Get Object component.

By the way, we have gathered some commands that use that component in the “VisualARQ Labs” plugin, which expand the VisualARQ features: Labs - VisualARQ