Hi @enric @fsalla
is it somehow possible to pass VIsualARQ objects through the python component?
Yes but try the legacy python component. Theres a few hickups in the new one when accessing net classes.
Search for “# python” with the leading “#” to show hidden components.
Also set the input type of X to object instead of ghtype
You are talking about Rh8 now, right?
I switched to Rh8, and tested every Python component I could find.
VARQ_python.gh (9.7 KB)
Could not find “object” on any input type…?
Hi @Toni_Osterlund,
Unfortunately, what you’re trying to achieve is not possible because there is no .NET/RhinoCommon implementation for VisualARQ objects. However, we do have a VisualARQ Script API that allows you to create, query, and edit VisualARQ objects. This API works by referencing objects using their Guid
and requires the objects to be resident in the Rhino document.
Best regards,