VisualARQ custom style type

Is it possible to create a VisualARQ object with a style belonging to a custom style type that does not fit in the columns, beams, railings, stairs, slabs & roofs, doors & windows, Furniture & Element style types without going through creating an element style but choosing another object name instead of element.
So this is the custom name that will appear in the object type in the Rhino property panel.
For example : Plate, Bolt

Hello Charles,

Styles must be created within the current categories. Why would you need an extra custom category? Is there any category which you think is missing and should be added?

Yes for example the steel plates which are objects for which one would like for example to be able to recover the surface or the wire contour (2D profile with drilling) as well as the thickness in the nomenclature which would be understood a little like a slab at the level of the creation from curves except that the dishes can be tilted in any direction.

Ok, I see we already have a similar issue planned for future versions. We have already added your vote to it, so we will inform you when this feature is ready.


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Thank you !