Visose/robots upload


i am currently working on a multi-extruder for a UR5 and use the visose/robots plugin for programming. As long as I am below ~ 2500 planes I can upload the program over the network connection without any problems. If the 3D model and so the program is bigger, it can’t be uploaded anymore. I have already tried to upload the program via ftp client (FilaZilla) and via USB stick. Unfortunately both do not work. Is it possible that the syntax of the “create program” component with the code output (see attachment) is wrong?

I would be happy about any hints!

Best regards,


Hello, @John1996

I continue having the same problem. So I always split the list, which is very annoying. Did you find a solution for it?



Ask question directly in github page of robots. You will get answer within a day or so.