Viewports not showing geometry using GH

Hi there!
I guess I found a bug…
While I’m trying to use Rhino + Grasshopper in my M3 Pro mac, I notice that I encounter viewport issues while doing some very basic operations.

The problem is that it “hides” the geometry from Rhino viewports; they are not actually hidden since SelAll command outputs that it selected some geometry. The problem is that the only visible thing in the viewports is the gumball and not the actual geometry I’m working on.
It also seems it hides everything, not just the referenced geometry.

The issue arises both with and without external monitor (in my case an iPad Pro late 2021 12.9in, connected via usb)

Here below the simplified 3dm file and gh definition that is giving me errors.
Curves.3dm (67.1 KB) (6.9 KB)

Also here the system info:
SysInfo.txt (4.9 KB)

Thanks in advance to anyone who knows something about this and might have a quick fix or turnaround.

Hi Andrea -

I take it that you have Grasshopper visible on the iPad?
In a quick test here, I’m not able to make this behave the way you describe.

Hi Wim,
thanks for your answer!

I just updated the topic above; you can find 3dm and gh files to download and test.

Let me know if you need anything else that can help find the problem.
Thank you!