Viewcapturetofile in Raytraced Crashes Rhino

running Mojave here, no plans to update to Catalina, not sure if its worth it with this 2014 MacBook Pro, system info file attached, hth
Milezee System Info.txt (2.6 KB)

@nathanletwory i have the same graphics card as @milezee, also set to cpu of course, maybe thats a starter. but for a dessert i can still offer an idea, the renderer in the viewport was still in progress when i initiated the command ViewCaptureToFile, since i had set it to a higher amount of samples (500), that seems to crash it, when i set it to something lazy for the viewport in the cycles settings as you did but also in the output it finishes the render in the viewport in time before i even start the command, it then outputs the image without crashing, hope that helps.

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Cool, thanks for the extra information. I was able to reproduce this with a release build of Rhino. That gave me some information, but since it was not that much more helpful I tried also with a debug build. Unfortunately it has been as of yet impossible to properly reproduce that same crash. I keep trying though.

Again, @encephalon and @milezee, thanks for reporting and sharing info. I hope we can together get to the bottom of this.

hi Nathan, just to be sure, you reproduced it on a release build but not on a debug build? what is a debug build and why is it important to reproduce it there?

Well, it is nice I can reproduce it in a release build, but that gives only so much information - not much. It alludes to certain potential cases.

With a debug build if I can reproduce the crash I can actually see when it happens, and possibly even where and why. That will help me figuring out an actual fix for the crash based on solid data.

Without that it is all just guess work (educated, but guess work is guess work). I might try some code changes that I think may have to do with the issue, while it could be also that part of the code Iā€™m changing isnā€™t to blame - maybe with that guessing work and ā€˜randomā€™ code changes I introduce even worse bugs that become apparent much, much later in even much more subtle and harder cases. And that we donā€™t want at all.

ok, now i understand, well you have 2 leads from us, i am wildly guessing its some memory bug, but i am most definitely far less educated in guessing hereā€¦ i tried keeping my eyes open for anything odd. will goof around on it once more when i get to it and let you know if i see something. good luck in the meantime.

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Hi guys,
I am experiencing the same issue here. Crash when trying to capturetofile and today also with the odd message ala ā€œlidbā€ command requiresā€¦ Is there any news on this? I also wonder @nathanletwory is there any chance to have the rhino cycles render for R6?

Hi - thereā€™s no news on this one, no. We have it on the list as RH-55169 (not publicly available).

As far as I know, that is not going to happen.

Nothing really supported, but you can try


Yes, that is it! Thanks @nathanletwory

i am having the same exact problem. any time i try to viewcaptureto file w/ raytracing it crashes and i get the same ā€œiidb command requires the command line developer tools.ā€

Has this been figured out yet?


Hi -

No, it hasnā€™t. This thread is mentioned in the bug report and, as such, there will be a notification in this thread when the issue is fixed and the fix is available in a public build.