Very Few Things on my Grasshopper Wish List, but

I don’t go that far, just important bits like the output of a group that might be used in several places.

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Absolutely agreed!
I think the popularity of Sunglasses and Binoculars plugins is strong evidence that this should be built in.

It would be nice to have the component name in text at the top and its icon in the middle.

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I don’t know, seems like you have gone pretty far to stop another way of aiding Grasshopper labeling/commenting.

100 % agree!
Enforcing separation of concern is the actual problem here. You group a bunch of components, and clearly define in and output. But as simple this topic seems to be. It is really hard to properly do that, even for someone experienced. Now you can debate and totally agree that Grasshopper could improve here, but with a bit of discipline and frequent effort in refactoring, you can create well documented definitions. You could do that from day one, still the majority of definitions on the net are poorly maintained. People are even proud of their big bulk of spaghetti (literally). Personally, I think the wiring is the most annoying part in Grasshopper. It completely lacks the ability to group wires into a bus system.


A good idea, @TomTom !

I made this cluster multiplexer-demultiplexer, or a parallel-serial serial-parallel converter. It works, albeit one way. I suppose the technique could be done 2 way, too, by added dedicated channels for each. It took a minute to figure out a generic container: a set list.

Weave was used in the Multiplexer. For some reason, Merge put them out of order, when inserting a B-Rep in the data list, so it uses Weave to force an order. If you modify it, the internal weaving values need to be changed.

Unfortunately, the stubborn outputs cannot be labelled. It’s way late here, and the technique needs to be tested more.

De-MultiPlex.ghcluster (5.0 KB)
Multi-Plex.ghcluster (5.0 KB)

Here is my trickery. It just needed to be lists all the way:

LOL! Like a 74LS245 bus transceiver, a more realistic bus could probably be made, with each input or output hooked up to it, with a tri-state ENABLE system. Before each read/write to the bus, you can use Filter and a Switch to toggle data onto the bus. I suppose that a binary-word list and some more components could be used–to simulate the EEPROM. Someone contact Ben Eater. : )

As for the rest of the set : ) Lol!

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