Vertical slides

Got it - I played with a couple of my more complex GH layouts and they really do benefit from your enhancement. I guess I’m not sure why David doesn’t think your approach is a good idea. It seems obvious to me that it is.

After fussing with your enhancement it did seem that the X distance was what was determining the color of the wire. So I was expecting that to be the case. It is nice that you are able to control the wire color.

I did notice that some of the wires seem to be formed by 2 lines rather than one. Is that just a quirk of my graphics card (nVidia GT750), or is that something you are doing?

It didn’t take me long to come up with a different idea for your enhancement. Of course I have no idea how feasible this might be, but something that would greatly improve it’s utility would be to make the corners of the wires user controllable as far as location goes. Could you put a small dot at each of the corner locations and make them clickable/dragable?

I wouldn’t say he doesn’t like the idea, its just the colours I guess :wink:

yes, x distance. The colour aspect is quite useful, however I’m limited when its about random colour because I can only change code inside the drawing method, without valid access to other functions, fields and objects outside of GH_Painter. That’s the drawback of this method, which answers your last question:

Nowadays I tend to say everything is possible as long as you sacrifice enough time and effort.
However this particular approach isn’t suited to do that, although its a very good idea.

No I don’t think so, its probably a result of how it is drawn

Yup - been there, done that.

Thanks for a nice GH option that will be very handy in some circumstances.