VBScript Error while running the script using a command in Rhino 5

Hello, I need help regarding the developer modification with rhino.

I am using Rhino 5 (64-Bit), C# Express 2010 to create and run commands.

Once the plugin is built and the .rhp file is loaded into Rhino 5.

The command and script get loaded into Rhino but While trying to execute the command I am facing an error that says " wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment "

However, the first time command gets executed.

Example: My script contains a message box “Hello World!” and no arguments.
While trying to execute command the first time it gets executed and then shows the above
mentioned error repeatedly.

Moreover, the script loads and runs completely fine with Tools-> Rhinoscript -> Run/Load Options.

Please help me with this.


We’ll probably need to see some source code to be of any help.