I keep losing functionality of my vaWallSplit command in v3. I uninstall and reinstall v2 and it works, so that I can complete my project. Any help is appreciated.
Hi @John_Bellisario1 we removed the vaWallSplit command because there is also a generic vaSplit command that does the same job, and also works on other objects (curtain walls, railings, slabs, beams…)
Thank you. That is very helpful and makes sense. Back to v3 I go
I tried the vaSplit command. It requires a cutting object, which slows down modeling. The vaWallSplit allowed you to hover over an intersection, requiring fewer commands. That is a bummer.
@fsalla Please add this back in or add that selection functionality to the vaSplit. The reduction if efficiency for me and my team is significant. Thank you.
Hi @John_Bellisario1 the current vaSplit command is more versatile than the former vaWallSplit, because you can split objects by points and by curves.
In any case, you can already implement the way the vaWallSplit was working before in the current vaSplit command, by typing !_vaSplit _Pause _Point in the command field in the Button editor:
(You can use a new icon, or use the Right mouse button of the existing icon for that).
We can add this option in future VisualARQ updates.