Vase curve loft problem

I have a problem with creating a loft in Grasshopper.
I’m trying to generate a complex surface lofting a set of curves.

Everything looks fine when I look at all the curves that are joined (they are ordered).
Maybe a problem with curve directions?
Crenel’s direction seems to be good


^ ^
| |

Where is my problem ?
Thanks per advance
Xtof (15.9 MB)

Hi I think that the problem of your Faisal is related to the location of the sea

m curves, however, I made 2 modes for you.
Also, you can make the seam even by using the pufferfish plug. (15.9 MB)

Doing this:

produces this:

and this:

Checking the individual Loft Options shows that setting Rebuild to 0 makes the difference.

Your photo gives the impression you will be using a clay printer. I’ve made several shapes like that with my FDM printer. For me the key trick was how to turn the horizontal Loft control curves into vertical ones. I did this without fussing with the seams at all, but that may not work for what you are trying to do.

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Hi all,

tks a lot for answers…
i’m going to stydy the align curve seams component…
i already use loft options but i don’t understand all subtilities about it.

ok…the result is not good yet…i like learning…

For Birk, i bought a Qidi+4 Printer, and i want build this vase with PLA Carbon… (19.8 KB)

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hi Leopold

Tks a lot, your approach is very different and it’s cool.
i like it :slight_smile:
i undestrand the concept…bravo :slight_smile:

So…Here is my initial structure with crenels associated with the Leopold concept…I think it’s ok.
Thank you very much for your help.
A. (15.9 MB)

Thanks to Leopold and Arthur for showing a nice way to make and use crenelated curves. I had come up with an ugly approach the used substituted points in an initial smooth curve, but it wasn’t nearly as flexible as the one used above.

After some tweaking to support both XY and XZ planes I used this new method to make this:

It is a RailRevolve using different crenelated curves for both the rail and sweep curve. Because my printer cannot print unsupported near horizontal surfaces I may have to change the overall shape a bit, but this one looks pretty close to being OK.

Hi everybody,

I don’t know to make a fillet on the curve…any idea ?
Concave and convex angle ?
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For shapes like this I use the brute force method.

The trick is to find the correct edge. Fortunately for your geometry the edge you want is a single curve.

Many times the desired curve is composed of many short ones. In this case I just give up.

PS: My dimensions are millimeters - and for me your geometry is teenie-tiny. That’s why the radius I specified is so small.

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Hi Birk,
ok, i did it but my radii was too high…too parameters after…thanks…

and an another idea for the concave curve, n°7 ?

By inserting the curves as you can see from the image you get a good result.
The vase is made up of two surfaces which, when joined, form a closed brep.
For the external part loft with Loose option.
See attachment.
18 filet (24.7 KB)

ouahhhhh, your idea is excellent, i did the insert of curves but the result was bad…because i didn’t use a guide…points along curve after…very good…thanks a lot. you’re a master :slight_smile:

et hop…The result with may FDM printer…very similate :slight_smile:
Tks again to Leopold…