I am very well acquainted with using multiple waves to generate a surface (“ripplies”):
Displacement of grid points is purely in the Z direction, unlike the other Vasarely thread where points are spread apart radially. I’m not even sure that what you are doing here is “Vasarely” if the goal is to have all the circles appear identical in size from the top view? Simple Project will work for that.
Without seeing some code or geometry from you, I’m hesitant to comment any further.
The key to resolving the same issue you are having now, though, was to rebuild the surface with ‘Degree = 3’, creating a “grid” of control points that are not evenly spaced but closer together at the edges. Manipulating those control points instead of evenly spaced grid points solved the same problem for me. More detail in the other thread. (Maybe too much?)
rebuilt_srf_2019Jul21a.gh (14.0 KB)