Different variable offset surface in rhino
How can i get the surface before like in rhino5?
Different variable offset surface in rhino
Please help?
Post a file and explain exactly what it is you want to achieve.
Otherwise, how are people supposed to help you?
variable offset surface.rar (196.0 KB)
Sir this is the file and i want you to take the variable offset surface of the top part of the piece like previously attached video
The previously attached first video is in rhino 5 and the second one is in rhino 8.I want the surface like rhino 5
Pls check the file ?
You are really not making it clear what it is, that you want…
When I extract the “upper” surface and untrim it I get this:
In Rhino 5 surface gets untrimmed:
In Rhino 8 it doesn’t:
If you want untrimmed result like Rhino 5, run _Untrim on the surface afterward.
Everytime i have to untrim it.is it possible to get directly without untrim, in rhino8?
You can with this Macro:
_VariableOffsetSrf _Pause _Multipause _Sellast _Enter _UntrimAll
Thank you sir.