V9 request: Workflow improvement MatchSrf show deviation

Hello guys,

I would like to suggest a workflow improvement for the MatchSrf tool.

If possible, show the deviation of the matched surface pair (from the EdgeContinuity tool).

I really dont understand why I would need a second tool to evaluate the result for a tool called “MATCH Surface”. When rebuilding a curve, the deviation is shown in the command. No second tool needed.

Currently in order to match a surface pair, I need to select the two surfaces to, then I need to select them again to evaluate them. In case the match is not to my liking or needs refinement, I would need to select everything again.

With the deviation visible from within the “MatchSrf” command, I would only need to select the surface pair once and be done.

This would speed the up the workflow immensely and cuts the working time in half!
Also there would be less tools running on the screen for a cleaner user experience.

@menno Hi Menno,maybe you can help here?! This sort of tool is exactly what would be needed to give the user more feedback about surface quality, to build a good foundation for your Multisided-patch tool!

Thank you guys and best regards!