Normally calling the Richtung
command in German should execute Dir
. In V7 and earlier, that is how it works.
In a German V8, Richtung
is an unknown command, it only autocompletes to RichtungAnzeigen
which runs the dialog box version _ShowDir
. Pasting just Richtung
into the command line comes up with “unknown command”. (Unbekannter Befehl: Richtung)
Typing _Dir
at the command line works - which is what the menu and toolbar items use.
@Helvetosaur Actually Richtung has been cut down to Richt in the RH8 command line. It begins to autocomplete as soon as you type Ri. Since it had already been Richtung in the previous versions and well into version 8, I have no idea why (not earlier than october '23) it got changed to Richt.
I’ve already changed it back to Richtung, so it should be fixed with the next build.
In 8.5.24011.22001, 2024-01-11, Richt displays (and autocompletes) as Richtung again.
Bug fixed.