V8 Container Sizing

I’m updating a PlugIn to work in V8 and using containers to house custom panels and toolbars.

When 2 vertically stacked containers are opened simultaneously with a macro, is there currently a way to control the initial heights of the containers, other than a 50/50 split.

Here is a link to a Screencast video (2.29) which demonstrates the problem.

@stevebaer do you have an idea if this is possible?

I don’t have an answer off hand for this. What portion of the video should I be looking at? Also, what is the macro that you are currently using to open containers?

The 1st minute shows a scrap from the V7 version of this PlugIn, simply to highlight the UI improvement of V8 using containers to house custom panels.

The relevant part is from 1.16 to 1.50 showing that the containers don.t remember their previous heights when stacked vertically.

1.55 to 2.11 shows a bug in re-ordering the container list.

The macro to open the containers together reads code from a rhinoscript file:

'*** State the container name to show/Hide ________________ *** 

  Dim str_ContainerName1, str_ContainerName2

    str_ContainerName2 = "0ns- Image Control"     '*** Show
    str_ContainerName1 = "0ns- Image Panels"      '*** Show

'*** Command 1 _____________________________ *** 

  Dim cmd_Containers1 
    cmd_Containers1 = "_-Containers Show " _
                          & Chr(34) & str_ContainerName1 & Chr(34) & " _Show _Enter"
  Rhino.Command cmd_Containers1, True      'True for testing

'*** Command 2  _____________________________ *** 

  Dim cmd_Containers2 
    cmd_Containers2 = "_-Containers Show " _
                        & Chr(34) & str_ContainerName2 & Chr(34) & " _Show _Enter "

  Rhino.Command cmd_Containers2, True     'True for testing