V6 Wish: Merge Layers

Wondering if others would find this useful. I imagine many of us have standard layer structures. Often times when I am copying data from one file to another, I put all of the copied entities into a parent layer. If I happen to copy and paste data again into the same file, I will get the layers from the source file (same as the layers I have just parented). They should actually be the same layers. I cannot add these new copied layers to the parent I’ve made, because the layer names are the same. It would be useful to have an option to merge layers when trying to drag one layer into a parent that contains a sublayer with the same name…does that make sense?

In the same way we get dialogs when we try to delte layers with objects or block defs on them, a popup could appear saying something like:

“There is a sublayer with the same name. Would you like to merge the layers?”



Hi Luis, all.
Yes, that makes sense.

But I’d like a more flexible user interface for the layer list.
I think we need an easy way to select one or more layers by the layer list, just like we do with Rhino geometric objects like curves, surfaces etc. in the views.
That way any kind of operation on layers could be easily performed in the usual way: running a command and picking the desired layer(s). Scripts working on layers could be easily written.
For example a MergeLayers command might be written, and it would work not only for a special case, but it would be able to merge any layer into any other. The user could simply select the source layer(s) and the target layer, and they would be merged.

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