@dale Unfortunately i can’t disclose code but even simple example like this don’t work:
pCld = new PointCloud();
xSize = 10;
for (int x = 0; x <= xSize; x++)
pCld.Add(new Point3d(x * xSize, 0, 0), Color.Orange);
/// Further in post draw override
if (pCld != null)
e.Display.DrawPointCloud(pCld, 3);
Two things to mention: first i’m on vs2015 with v5 rhinocommon but v6 shows plug is ok:
"Compatibility test succeeded in 0.43s"
second i don’t put things to doc cause i need this only for viewing purposes
That said, DisplayPipeline.DrawPointCloud eventually just calls DisplayPipeline.DrawPoint for each point in the point cloud. You can do the same to work around this issue.
@dale That means theres no point to push list of points to cloud? I need performance here so im wondering what is better - pushing points to cloud and viewing single cloud or just pushing list of points to DisplayPipeline.DrawPoint directly cause i’m saving memory so far i’ve discovered that rhino behaves better when viewing 1 milion points in cloud then as individual objects but as i assume this probably relates only to doc objects? @dale could you ensure me on this?