V5 Bug, A little pesky one

This is a little minor UI bug, but I bump into it a lot:

The bottom layer menu does not correctly remember which layers are opened in the tree and which ones are not.

In other words, from the bottom layer menu, I can close a branch or branches of the layer tree (First Screenshot), and if I close the menu and open it again back, the sub-layers are magically opened again (Second Screen Shot).

It does not seem to matter which is default or not. Every time I click on the menu that part of the tree opened. I am running 3K, but it happens on standard resolutions as well.

Going further: it would be handy if the right-click contextual menu would allow me to change the selected layer to the current working layer, such as:

Make Layer Current
Select Objects
Change Object Layer
Copy Objects to Layer

That way I have a nice controlled way of changing the current work layer to one I choose, even if, I have object(s) selected. I don’t like top use the big layer dialogue unless I have to.

Thank you,