Using SectionTools API?

Never mind :slight_smile: thanks for the help. I think it worked.

I wonder how are you getting .ActiveViewportID when the viewport is not active. Why not simply call that property “ViewportID” if it works for any given viewport, you know, to avoid any confusion?

A view can have multiple viewports in (think page views, layouts).

Oh, another confusion at hand :slight_smile:

Yep, just peruse the samples and make sure you fully understand them. Together with the API docs you should be able to understand most of it.

(and yes, we always should do better on our docs)



Is there a way to set a ClippingPlane active/inactive. You know to not delete it but rather enable/disable its effect from any given viewport?

RemoveClipViewportId on the underlying ClippingPlaneSurface of a ClippingPlaneObject

Thanks, I’ll test that.

Oh wow, this is a surface used as clipping plane instead of a clipping plane. This is even better for my project.