Using open surfaces as cutting tools

Hi all, I’m a bit stuck after making good headway as a complete noob to Rhino.

How can I use the curve of a surface as a cutting tool? I’ve used make hole successfully but only when I create poly lines or solid objects from Rhino standard tools.

The surface came from a jpg file, using the vectorise plug-in, and generally the results are great but I need to cut the lettering from the logo and can’t seems to join my surfaces to make it a cutting tool for the solid object. Can anyone think of a way to do this ? I’m starting the 3d printing journey and keen to hone my skills asap…
I’ve looked for tutorials but so far none have the answer ! Time to join the forum!

I will upload the file if anyone has time or the patience to take a look? Thanks, Stu
DATA Hoax logo makehole.3dm (1.3 MB)

You should not need to remove these inner surfaces.

When I start with just the boundary curves and use the command _ExtrudeCrv, the result looks like this:

You can also create a surface first and then extrude. That would be done with the _PlanarSrf command.

The resulting surface looks like this:

To fix your current situation, I’d extrude the three inner surfaces higher than your logo and then solid difference the three polysurfaces / extrusions from the logo.

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Fire and Brimstone that was quick! thanks so much!! Brilliant

I appreciate your time :slight_smile:

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Glad I was able to help

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