Using old PlugIns

Hi there
I’m interested in different Plugins for grasshopper.
Unfortunately there written for rhino 4 and 5.
Is there some way, to run them in Rhino 7?


First, most old GH plugins CAN run in V7…
Second, which plugins you are using?

im mainly interested in physarealm

It Works on V7.

Please keep in mind this is an Alpha Release of the plugin, the developer didn’t push it further than the alpha stage, so expect a lot of problems, crashes or bugs with this tool whether you are using Rhino 4,5,6 or 7.

Make sure to unblock the .gha before installing.

wowo thanks a lot. i didn’t even try, because there a lot of people asking online, if a release for rhino 7 is comming:)

Likely it won’t the developer gave up on it!