Using duplicate model to aid in surface selection

This is a model that I imported from where I cannot remember. I would like to recreate so I can change its shape a bit. Since model is a pattern I need to select one of the blades. I exploded the import and now I can select individual faces. However this is very tricky because it is hard to know what I am selecting there are so many faces. What I was thinking was that if I could duplicate the model and join all the faces back together and somehow lock that shape, then if it were made another color then because of the contrast it might be easier to see if I had the right face. I could confirm my selection by deleting it and exposing the locked model. I dont use Rhino much so I hope this makes sense and of course if there is a better way am open to that.

You can duplicate to a layer and use the lock in the visibility toolbar . Lock display has options for transparency and color as well.

Another option is to worksession a copy of the file for quick reference.

SetObjectDisplayMode is also a way to quickly differentiate objects.

Hello - if you have access to the mesh that generated this polysurface, I would weld that mesh at say 45 degrees or so, then Explode or ExtractMeshPart and work from that.


I duplicated the layer, changed its color and locked it. What I find is that the selection tool does not always find the triangle I want. I click on the triangle I want and it finds sometimes one, sometimes multiples of triangles which lie within or overlap the boundaries of the one I want. Sometimes the one I want is on the list and sometimes not. This is going to be the labors of Hercules if the selection is random and inconsistent. Is there some way to change the sensitivity of the selection tool so it might only detect the foreground triangle?

Hello- this might or might not help here but it may be worth a try -
ExtractTangentFaces.rhp (41 KB)

If you un-block that plug-in and drag it onto Rhino, and run ExtractTangentFaces with an angle tolerance of maybe 5 degrees, then click on one of the faces, if it works it will extract the faces you need- note you can change the angle as you go if it seems incorrect. It might be quite slow on this object.
I still think working from the mesh is better…


Thanks for that suggestion. I will try to get the plug in setup.

Regarding the mesh. Due to operator error, I do not have the original file that I the Rhino file was made from. I am assuming that creating a mesh from what I have would not be the same as using the original mesh file or you would have suggested that.

Yeah, it won’t be the same, although, with a little trickery you might get the mesh back if the plug-in does not accomplish what you need:

  • Turn off the isocurves for the polysurface
  • ExtractWireFrame
  • Explode the results
  • SelDup and delete the duplicates
  • MeshFromLines


Extractangentfaces did not perform, But I think we are getting somewhere with the mesh as I am now able to select the exact face I want and delete it, supposedly, as least I can no longer select it so I think it is deleted, however visually it still appears on the model. If I click on the surface I deleted it finds only the whole mesh.