Urgent help restoring lost GH files

i installed tt toolbox 1.9, and I chose a sample file that is working with Galapagos data, I chose a folder path that is the same folder I am putting all my GH work files in,
and unfortunately, after trying tt toolbox sample files, I found all my GH files in the folder replaced withe the excel sheet and pngs from the running Galapagos.

how can I restore these lost files plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Check your recycle bin?

Oy, also send a message to the plugin writers to fix their amateurish programming.

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Maybe you find them in autosave folder?


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I checked everything, but nothing found.
Unfortunately it overrides on the files in the folder

I checked everything, but nothing found.

hello @Marwa_Fawaz1 I’ve notified the developers of this tool, as it might be a bug they are not aware of. I haven’t tested this myself.