Uploading more than 64 files?

I have a question about uploading files for Shapediver.

When i uploade a file with more than 64 files/parts in my free Shapediver account, i either get the message that the file is to “big” or that the maximum output numbers are exceeded.
Is this only occurring in the free version in Shapediver or does this applies on the pro version to?

ShapeDiver typically writes the resulting data of your model to several files, depending on how your model is structured. We allow a maximum number of 64 files per output, and 256 files per model in total. This limit applies to both free and pro accounts, but can be increased for enterprise customers.
From your description it does not become clear to me whether there is a way to circumvent the problem you are facing, likely there is. Let us know if you can post more details about your model.

Hi Alexander.

I’m currently working on a shelfing unit where the idea is that the user can design their own furniture.
The unit is constructed so that the user can add multiple columns and shelves to every column.
The unit that i am trying to upload is, at the moment, constrained to 10 columns and 8 shelves for each column.
So therefore is the unit reaching the limit of 64 files pretty quick.

The number of outputs of your shapediver model is defined as follows:
Number of ShapeDiverDisplayGeometry components X Size of the tree used in the Geometry parameter

Assuming you are using a low number of ShapeDiverDisplayGeometry components, the reason why you are exceeding the allowed limit is likely because you are inputting large trees, where each individual piece of geometry of your model is part of a different branch.
Unless you have a very specific reason to do so, then you can simply flatten your trees. Even better, if you are working with meshes (which is highly recommended), you can join them before outputting them, that way you will be down to a very low number of outputs.

Let me know if that helps. If the problem is different, I might need to have a look at your definition.

We have covered the geometry limitations that ShapeDiver has and how to optimize in this video tutorial: https://youtu.be/K45_Z_gB6YU