Upgrading multiple Rhino 6 Licenses on Cloud Zoo

We would like to upgrade our current Rhino 6 licenses, (held in our Team’s Cloud Zoo account), to Rhino 7. I have a couple questions:
1 - Say we have 20 licenses, and we upgrade to Rhino 7. Could those 20 licenses be used as Rhino 6 or 7? ie, can we still use rhino 6?
2 - Is there an automated way to upgrade the licenses? Or, is it still a manual process of entering keys, one at a time, into zoo?

There isn’t an automated way, sorry.
It’s one license at a time.

That said, I would recommend your contact the McNeel Regional Sales office for specific details and options.

Thanks @John_Brock! It’s not that many licenses so I don’t mind typing in some keys. I emailed sales@mcneel.com for more details. Is that the correct email address?

This is really not very convenient (at all) for companies that have 100 licenses or more… And the issue was already discussed when V6 was launched.

We only have 15-20 licenses so it’s not a huge deal for us, but It would be handy if you could download a list of your existing keys, and send that in, and get back a list of upgraded keys that you could upload to your account.
Ideally, an “upgrade” button next to your existing keys would be awesome! Obviously, it would only be viewable to your company’s account admin.

Or call them at 206-545-7000
8-12, 1-5 M-F Seattle time

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