Upfolding shading device modelling problem

For what it’s worth, I’ve had a chance to repair my model to work with more than two folding panels.

FoldingPlates_2020Dec31b.gh (29.5 KB)

And to examine all the other models posted in this thread. It seems to me that some abstractions are needed to take this further, such as:

  1. Using a panel/frame that is constructed separately, with any arbitrary frame cross-section and size, as long as it amounts to a rectangular box. That single panel would be oriented and used as often as needed to make “upfolding” pairs.

  2. Location and orientation of each pair (or vertical set if more than two were used) would be defined by a list of planes.

I tackled the second part first by isolating the code that uses planes from the code that creates the planes in specific locations (cyan group). So far, it works well when all the planes are either XZ or YZ but fails when mixing the two… :thinking:

FoldingPlates_2020Dec31c.gh (31.8 KB)

It responds quickly to all parameter changes.