Updates for the graduate studens

I am a student and I would like to buy Visual ARQ just because I like the idea, because of curiosity, to test it, help report some bugs, share ideas with developers, etc. Soon I will finish my architecture studies and probably sometime after it there will be major update to the Visual ARQ. At the start of my career, I think there is around 0,1% chance that I will use my license commercially. If I would like to purchase a new version of the software for the full price it would be rather an expensive hobby.

The question is: What will be the price for updating student version for the graduate?

Hi @Czaja,

You don’t have to update, if you have an educational version that you bought as student once you finish your studies you can use it as a commercial license.

Kind regards

What I meant is that I would like to have access to the new features when they will show up in the next major release and I wonder how much the update will cost. Full price or some discount?

I saw somebody asked for the hobbyst license, and there is no such option - It’s a pity but it’s fair and I understand that.

Hi @Czaja, we still haven’t decided the upgrade price from VisualARQ 2 to version 3 when it comes up. But all minor updates within version 2 are free. We are not considering providing a hobbyist version.