I create some clusters. The parameters of these clusters change occasionally. If I update these clusters by wire them with parameters (just like the following drawing), the whole diagram will be in mess. Moreover, if I miss to wire them with parameters, clusters cannot calculate properly.
Help me to understand the logic. You are using clusters of nodes and want to pass in the inputs from one into another? Can you just have a direct input to output inside of the cluster so the value is ‘passed’ through?
“You are using clusters of nodes and want to pass in the inputs from one into another?” Yes
I have several clusters which will adopt same parameters. In our case, several clusters will adopt align vector, margin X, etc (total 6 items). I can make node to node data connection. But the whole diagram will be in mess (See the above pictures). Therefore I want to make my clusters can read my data in an data base, just like the picture above.
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Gotcha, I would entertwine them before the first cluster so its one path, and then pass that into the cluster, then inside of the cluster you can explode it, do what you what with the data and simultaneously pass that single wire into an out. That way each will have the modified outputs(what the cluster is doing) and the original values as one wire, just ‘grouped’ together in a tree(using intertwine will preserve any list format, so when you explode it, the individual trees will remain the same). The example ive shown is just with the unchanged ones. Im not sure what your script is doing inside of each cluster, this is just an example of how to keep the originals.
Thanks for your reply!
what I want is that I input data / parameter to one cluster and all clusters in the canvas can read the data in the condition that I do not wire them together. If I update the data in that cluster, all clusters can use the updated data for calculation.
Wires make connections explicit. Hidden wires make code hard to understand but you can do that now, if you like. I recommend “Faint” wires instead of hiding them completely. This thread is making a mountain out of a mole hill, asking for a capability that already exists. Even if you can do what you want, connections must be made somehow…