Uniform diagrid in a funnel-shaped geometry


I am working on creating a uniform diagrid for a funnel-shaped geometry. The goal is to insert geometries like spheres with uniform radius at the intersection points of the grid align seamlessly along the funnel’s curvature, with no gaps between them.

However, when using a diamond grid approach, the resulting grid produces uneven distances between the points, which compromises the desired alignment.

I have attached a reference image of the funnel geometry and the result of using the diagrid structure.

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions to achieve a uniform diagrid in this context.

Thank you!

Funnelgeo_diagrid.gh (88.1 KB)

I provide an imperfect method for your reference and hope it can be of a little help to you.

TriRemesh+TangentCircles.gh (80.0 KB)

If you feel like eyeballing it:

ball.gh (85.8 KB)