Unfold Surface (21) Component "group" UDA Attribute

Hi everyone,

I unfold a triangulated plate (Triangle Generation (19) Tekla component) using the Unfold Surface (21) component in Tekla using Grasshopper. The Unfold Surface component has a class input in the user interface. I determined that the class is linked to the “group” attribute, and I constructed a UDA for it.

The Unfold Surface component is successful, but the class is not set correctly in Tekla. There is a plate_class attribute as well, but this only sets a check mark in the user interface. I tried adjusting the plate_class attribute to both options to see if it would have an effect on the group attribute and it did not appear to.

I deconstructed the component in Grasshopper, and I can see that the class did not update properly as well. The same is true for the name UDA. I can manually update the component in Tekla, and it works fine but it does not appear to work through Grasshopper.

I found a work around in Grasshopper. I can deconstruct the component and modify the class attribute of the created objects. This appears to work but I ideally, I would like to be able to set the class with the original component attributes. Does anyone have any suggestions? I would appreciate any advice.

Unfold Surface Attributes.gh (35.0 KB)

Thank you!