Undo, Hide in Detail and Show Selected in Detail are all very slow

Has anyone else noticed that Undo, Hide in Detail and Show Selected in Detail are all very slow lately? Very very slow. Also running Isolate and Show after you’ve been hiding stuff in slow to show what was hidden. I’m running Rhino 7 (7.3.21039.11201, 2/8/2021).

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Hi -

In a quick test here in a new file from a factory-default template all that seems fast with a simple box.
Is it fast with that set-up on your side as well?

Yes - for me, too, Wim. In a fresh instance of Rhino using a factory-default template the speeds are fine. But for some reason, my regular working files are not. It sometimes takes 10 seconds to undo or to Show Selected in Detail. Or Show. Or Isolate.

I’ll keep an eye on it and see if I can figure out a pattern and get back to you. Thank you.

I’ve seen lots of cases where rhino 7 is bogging my workflow compared to 6 due to crazy slow performance … not sure what the issue is but I’m gonna post a list of what I am noticing as a thread in a minute

So I’m seeing the pattern when working with large layout sheets that have several details on them. When I hit Show Selected in Detail I get the pinwheel of death. It takes 10-20 seconds to accomplish what used to take a second or two. Also Undo is strangely slow both within layout space and modelspace.