I run a typical file through the sample parser and I get something like the following, but I am unclear about a lot of things like
- What are details of NurbsSurface as there does not appear to be any contol vectors?
- What is the difference between a On_PolyCurve and an On_LineCurve, they both seem to have just the same parameters
3.What does domain mean?
4.What does u & v on the NurbsSurface mean?
5.What is a Trim and how is it different from an Edge?
6)What are surface points start & end
7)What are the details of a NurbsCurve as again there does not appear to be any control points
Object table:
Object 0:
object name = ""
object uuid = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
object mode = normal
object layer index = 0
object material index = -1
material source = layer material
surfaces: 2
3d curve: 2
2d curves: 5
vertices: 2
edges: 2
trims: 5
loops: 2
faces: 2
curve2d[ 0]: ON_PolyCurve domain(0,27.0982) start(0,4.99624) end(6,4.996
curve2d[ 1]: ON_LineCurve domain(4.99624,18) start(6,4.99624) end(6,18)
curve2d[ 2]: ON_LineCurve domain(0,6) start(6,18) end(0,18)
curve2d[ 3]: ON_LineCurve domain(-18,-4.99624) start(0,18) end(0,4.99624
curve2d[ 4]: ON_PolyCurve domain(0,27.0982) start(3.00014,2.9604) end(3.
curve3d[ 0]: ON_NurbsCurve domain(0,27.0982) start(2.83377,0.00013836,-3
.29239) end(2.83377,0.00013836,-3.29239)
curve3d[ 1]: ON_NurbsCurve domain(4.99624,18) start(2.83377,0.00013836,-
3.29239) end(11.9464,4.87653e-16,-9.08301)
surface[ 0]: ON_NurbsSurface u(0,6) v(0.133211,18)
surface[ 1]: ON_NurbsSurface u(0.90839,5.09168) v(0,3)
vertex[ 0]: (2.833772 0.000138 -3.292392) tolerance(0.00440147)
edges (0,1,0)
vertex[ 1]: (11.946362 0.000000 -9.083012) tolerance(1e-06)
edges (1)
edge[ 0]: v0( 0) v1( 0) 3d_curve(0) tolerance(0.00440147)
domain(0,27.0982) start(2.83377,0.00013836,-3.29239) end(2.83377,0.000
trims (+0,+4)
edge[ 1]: v0( 0) v1( 1) 3d_curve(1) tolerance(1e-06)
domain(4.99624,18) start(2.83377,0.00013836,-3.29239) end(11.9464,4.87
trims (+1,-3)
face[ 0]: surface(0) reverse(1) loops(0)
loop[ 0]: type(outer) 4 trims(0,1,2,3)
trim[ 0]: edge( 0) v0( 0) v1( 0) tolerance(0.005,0.005)
type(mated ) rev3d(0) 2d_curve(0)
domain(0,27.0982) start(0,4.99624) end(6,4.99624)
surface points start(2.83377,0.00013836,-3.29239) end(2.83377,0.00
trim[ 1]: edge( 1) v0( 0) v1( 1) tolerance(1e-06,1e-06)
type(seam -east side iso) rev3d(0) 2d_curve(1)
domain(4.99624,18) start(6,4.99624) end(6,18)
surface points start(2.83377,0.00013836,-3.29239) end(11.9464,4.87
trim[ 2]: edge(-1) v0( 1) v1( 1) tolerance(0,0)
type(singular-north side iso) rev3d(0) 2d_curve(2)
domain(0,6) start(6,18) end(0,18)
surface points start(11.9464,4.87653e-16,-9.08301) end(11.9464,4.8
trim[ 3]: edge( 1) v0( 1) v1( 0) tolerance(1e-06,1e-06)
type(seam -west side iso) rev3d(1) 2d_curve(3)
domain(-18,-4.99624) start(0,18) end(0,4.99624)
surface points start(11.9464,4.87653e-16,-9.08301) end(2.83377,0.0
face[ 1]: surface(1) reverse(0) loops(1)
loop[ 1]: type(outer) 1 trims(4)
trim[ 4]: edge( 0) v0( 0) v1( 0) tolerance(0.005,0.005)
type(mated ) rev3d(0) 2d_curve(4)
domain(0,27.0982) start(3.00014,2.9604) end(3.00014,2.9604)
surface points start(2.83377,0.00013836,-3.29239) end(2.83377,0.00