Underflow integer expression

I am a student studying landscape planning.
While doing envi-met modeling using ladybug and dragonfly in Grasshopper, the following problem occurred, so I contacted you.

It was a wide range, but when the grid size was set to 10(x)x10(y)x10(z), INX files were formed without any problems. However, when the grid size was subdivided into 3(x)x3(y)x3(z), the DEM value for the model in space was applied as a negative number, resulting in an incorrect model.

Considering that the minimum value of the terrain height indicated in the space is -214748336, there seems to be a problem with the integer expression.

The same DEM error occurs even when simulating it back to 10(x)x10(y)x10(z).

How do I fix this?

Thank you for the answer.

Hi - please visit https://discourse.ladybug.tools/ for questions related to the Ladybug Tools.