Unable to unlock dock or move toolbars


Sure it is an easy question, but all my ribbon tabs, and side bar are unmovable, I have not the left “double bars” that I used past to grab and move and dock…
I am certain that there is and option to unlock but I am unable to find it

Could you help me?


RhinoMAC V7… noway to move or change the ribbon tabs

RhinoMAC V8… easy move with the left 4points

I also use Rhino7 on PC and the toolbar have a “two lines” side used to move or add them into the ribbon…

Is is possible on V7Mac or not?

Thank you for your help

Mac V7 uses different as it does not support floating toolbars.
As you discovered, Mac V8 does.

In V7, the “Themes” tool is used for modifying the screen layout, but it is quite limited.