Unable to reload/setup my grasshopper style

Hello VisualARQ Team,

I’m encountering some issues with loading and updating Grasshopper styles in VisualARQ, and I’m hoping you can help me troubleshoot.

Problem 1: Styles Not Loading at All

When I try to load certain GH style scripts, VisualARQ gets stuck on the initial loading screen (shown below). It hangs indefinitely and never completes the loading process.

I’ve found a workaround: If I create the GH style in an older version of VisualARQ (one where the loading works), I can then update that style in the latest version. However, the latest version still refuses to directly load the style from scratch.

Problem 2: Styles Not Updating After Import

I’m also experiencing inconsistent behavior with updating existing styles. Some styles import successfully, but then refuse to update when I make changes to the underlying GH definition and re-import. I’ve tried re-importing the same files multiple times, and sometimes the update works, and sometimes it doesn’t, seemingly at random.

Key Information:

  • VisualARQ Version:
  • I am using dropbox to sync my files
  • my files are about 400 - 500 kb, if files size matters

Due to company policy, I’m unable to share the specific GH files publicly. However, I’m happy to provide more details or test specific scenarios if requested.

Could this be a bug in the latest version of VisualARQ? Any guidance on how to resolve these issues would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Hi @Rui_Hang_Yong1 We may require the .gh files to figure out what’s happening, otherwise we won’t be able to help you. You can modify it or create a simplified version of it, as long as we can reproduce the problem. You can be confident we will use it for testing purposes. You can send it to

Are you using other Grasshopper add-on components in that file?

Hi @fsalla,

I sent you an email with the file with that issue.

I think i might used a few add-on components, but i used it on other files too.

Looking forward to your reply