Unable to open script editor of C# component


I have a trouble with opening script editor of C# component after updating the Rhino8.
After the update, nothing happens when I click “Open Script Editor” or double click the component.
Can I ask for help with this issue?


Hi Tim,

Is there a log? C:\Users\ YOUR USER Name \ .rhinocode\logs

One way to reset is to close rhino and delete %HOMEPATH%.rhinocode

There are multiple empty log files, and not empty ones.
Please check the images below.

I deleted “.rhinocode” folder → restarted my PC → and tried to open script editor.
But it didn’t work.

Thanks, GH file and log files might be helpful as well. I’ve assigned this Ehsan for further troubleshooting.

I attached the requested file.
FYI, it’s not about one specific gh file.
This problem happens to other gh files too.

C#Issue.zip (3.9 KB)

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I did repair Rhino 8 with the installation file and it fixed the problem.


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