Unable to move single Sub D vertices in smooth mode

As the title suggests, I’m unable to move a Sub D’s vertices in smooth mode when only one is selected (selected multiples will move). If I pull any of the gumball arrows, only the gumball itself moves and when released snaps back to the vertex. Using the “move” command likewise has no effect. Only transitioning back into the rough mode lets me move the vertices singly. Thoughts anyone?

Hello - that is fixed-
RH-63833 SubD Editing: A sub-selected single vertex could not be moved

you can get the fixed (7.6) version by changing the ‘Update frequency’ in Options > Updates and Statistics page to ‘Service release candidate’


I am in 7.6.

Hm - can you please run SystemInfo in Rhino and copy/paste the results? I’d expect that fix to be in yesterday’s SR 6 release candidate…


ok, even though I had the ‘service release candidate’ option checked and ‘check for updates’ said i was current, when i clicked on ‘check now’ it seems there was a new version and it seems to have resolved the issue. thank you.