Unable to Delete a List

My file includes just one door style (Type-1). I would delete another door style (Type-2), but delete is not available for Type-2.

Unable to Delete List.3dm (11.6 MB)

Hi @Steven_Kim you cannot delete the wall style “Test 2”, because it is the “current” wall (the current selected wall in the insert dialog)

Just select another style (or insert a wall with a different style), and later on you will be able to delete that style.

It’s Test 1 on my side, and the delete option isn’t available for Test 2 either.

Take into account that you cannot delete a style that is being used by some object in the model either.

Hi. Francesc.
I would appreciate it if you could carefully read the post I uploaded. The file includes only one wall, which is in the style of Test 1. Test 2 is not being used, and I am unable to delete Test 2. Even in Test-2, no wall layers have been created.

Hi @Steven_Kim, in your file, the wall style “Test 1” can’t be deleted because there is a wall instance in the model using that style. If you delete that instance, you will be able to delete the style from the wall styles dialog.
The wall style “Test 2” can’t be deleted because it is the “current” wall style, which means it is the last wall selected when running the wall command. You can check it if your un the Wall command. To change this, simply select another style from the wall insert dialog, and you will be able to delete it from the styles dialog.

delete wall style

The wall style “Test 2” can’t be deleted because it is the “current” wall style, which means it is the last wall selected when running the wall command.

This is exactly what I wanted to know. I misunderstood “current” that you meant by.

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Could it please be the other way around? When you try to delete a style, a popup dialog should ask if it’s ok to delete the style along with all it’s occurrances in the scene.
Should the style have been the current one, the first one in the list can simply become the current one instead.

A similar case:
It always was a major annoyance in Rhino itself, that deleting a block definition was impossible because there were instances of that block in the scene. If you put all the hair that were pulled because of this in one big heap, it would block your view.

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@Eugen we will consider these suggestions for future versions, thanks!

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A little rant:
A basic UI/UX paradigm, I would say: the computer should serve the human, not the other way around. =]

That’s why applications like e.g. Revit are so cumbersome to work with. As a user you get the imression that you must think like the developers force you to, not like someone with common sense would expect the UI to work.
All of this is debatable, of course, and a question of balance, but you as devs should ask yourselves every time you add features: does it make it easier for the user, or is it just easier to code?

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