Looks like a method got incorrectly named…
Rhino.Geometry.Curve.LcoalClosestPoint Method
Don’t know how many scripts/grasshopper components are already dependent on this one…
Looks like a method got incorrectly named…
Rhino.Geometry.Curve.LcoalClosestPoint Method
Don’t know how many scripts/grasshopper components are already dependent on this one…
Hi Mitch,
OT,. But I can’t think of what this method does, how does the seed parameter influence the outcome. What it is used for.
Hey Willem, I have no idea personally, I just stumbled on this while looking for something else…
Never used this method myself…
I needed to know so after some tests my conclusion is:
Sheesh, you guys didn’t find FileHole yet?
Dang, I thought that was a real method, with arguments for file shape, number of teeth, length of stroke, side of the hole to file, how far, etc…
Hah, yeah its there next to OrientTangentToGrinder