Reporting two “hangs” while editing text. Happened within several minutes of each other. Restarted MacRhino after force quit but did not restart computer. CPU load was 100%.
Version 5.1 (5B161). Can send file if desired. Crash report included here.Hang while editing text.txt (859.6 KB)
Software information
Software versions
Rhinoceros version: 5.1 (5B161)
IronPython version: 5.1.2015.131
Language: en (MacOS default)
OS X version: Version 10.10.5 (Build 14F27)
Computer hardware
Hardware model: MacBookPro8,3
Processor: Intel Core i7-2860QM CPU @ 2.50GHz
Memory: 16 GB
Architecture: Intel 64 bit
Video hardware
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6770M 1024 MB
Memory: 1024 MB
Screen size: 1920 x 1200, 1920 x 1200
Displays: Cinema HD (99dpi 1x), Color LCD (133dpi 1x)
USB devices
Apple Inc.: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
Logitech: USB Receiver
Apple Inc.: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
Apple Inc.: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
Generic: MultiCard Device
Apple Computer, Inc.: IR Receiver
Bluetooth devices
OpenGL information
OpenGL software
OpenGL version: 2.1 ATI-1.32.25
Render version: 2.1
Shading language: 1.20
Maximum texture size: 16384 x 16384
Z-buffer depth: 24 bits
Maximum viewport size: 16384 x 16384
Implementation settings
Use texture compression: No
@dan: Am sending this client file to you via your upload site. Possibly worth noting is that I was working with PrintDisplay ON during both of the hangs. ~Dave
Interesting. Did it hang when you pressed the “T” button; or did the popover menu appear and then hang?
Hrmmmm. I guess it could have been the font getting “nervous” about being used outside of sanctioned Swiss contexts. But seriously…it would be good if you checked your fonts for problems to see if this helps.
Could these be related? This past weekend Rhino would go through the script in the thread I mentioned and just crash after i placed my point for text insertion. No crash report or anything, just gone!
Hevetica checks out as valid on my end. Looks like this is an Apple font. The file is enclosed.
However, there may be issues related to other fonts. Worth noting is that Font Book identified 33 fonts in my library as having potential problems (showing up as enabled duplicates) BUT when I search for enabled duplicates, none were found. Weirdness…
This is correct. Several fonts were indicated as “minor problems…proceed with caution” (33 out of 669… yeah, way too many fonts, I know!). No such warning for Helvetica, as I mentioned above though.
When I go to some of these supposedly duplicate fonts, the ones I checked are turned off.I kind of recall doing this manually a while back when previously trying to diagnose something. Not sure if all 33 are this type of “minor problem”.
That said, I don’t seem to automagically be able to find and delete these in Font Book. Although, if you’d like me to manually do this, I can give it a whirl for future testing (but you will owe me a beer, though).
In the interests of computational hygiene, I decided to delete the offending fonts. While flossing, I found something that might be useful here. Some of these fonts were duplicate items installed from God-Knows-Where, but a good number of them (say half?) were actual System Fonts that required entering my admin password to delete each and every one of them, one at a time (hence upgraded requirement for a finger or two of Glenfiddich or Balvenie ).
I don’t believe I’ve ever done any weird “under the hood” messing with font installations in the actual system. But, I have done system migrations several times over the decades. I wonder if Apple may have flubbed something somewhere? If this were the case, one might readily see some of these issues with long-term Mac users, more so than more recent Mac users.
Hi Dan, I think the popover menu appeared but I can’t get this problem to repeat, either on a new file or the one that was giving me problems yesterday… odd! Helvetica should feel at home, I’m in Switzerland!..
Oh man. I definitely owe you more than just a beer - and not just for this! (though you could have written a bash script for you to sudo rm <youroffendingfontlist> …but what fun would that be?)
I just hope this makes a difference. I’m not sure what is causing the font caches to get out-of-whack. I think it’s a permissions issue, but I’m not sure. I’ve seen them get hosed on my machine before when I had to bail in the middle of an Adobe update. But I’m still speculating that font-caches are even the related tothe problem. At this point, we’re just eliminating variables.