Tween Object command ? Or another way to achieve this?

Hi All,

I am trying to run a pattern along a 3D curve, which gradually becomes smaller.

Using Flowalong curve (on a projected curve on the geo) has provided good results for a sphere. (Which I have laid out on a line the same length and used tweensurface command on

But now I am trying to use a diamond shape, I can’t get it to work. Is there anything such as a TweenObject command ? Or another way to achieve what I am after ?



are you looking for a workflow to just scale the objects - or to deform them ?
back / top (deforming)
front (scaling)

what exactly do you mean by “diamond shape” ?

maybe post a file ?

kind regards -tom

Hi Tom, I would like them to be individual entities that scale down in size, as per the spheres do when using the tween surface command , but this isn’t available with the pyramid shape

you can build a pyramid as a single surface:

turn off the use of Extrusions and creaseSplitting
(Edit: reset / turn on after the workflow - like pascal mentioned below)

draw the base
_setPt (x,y to center)

now tweenSurface works


(edit) - file:

pyramid_tweenSrf.3dm (2.9 MB)

This should do what you want, but the full version is not free:

amazing than you Tom

Don’t forget to turn CreaseSplitting back on when you are done - normal Rhino expects this to be enabled.
