TT Toolbox Stroke Weight for SVG working?

Very specific question about the TT Toolbox plugin, I’m wondering if Stroke Weight (via Set Graphics) is compatible with SVG Export. The Stroke Color and Fill color seem to function fine, and I’ve had no issues with any other exports not working as intended but Stroke Weight doesn’t end up affecting stroke-width in the SVG file, it defaults to 1 no matter what, which is a problem depending on your export units because 1 can end up being massive.

.cls-c96769355{stroke:#C833FF ; stroke-opacity:1; stroke-width:1; stroke-dasharray:0; stroke-linecap="square"; fill:#000000 ; fill-opacity:1; }

Is this a bug or user error? If someone could share an example of it working successfully I’d appreciate it.

Thanks for raising this issue.
I’ll look into it and see if its a bug. (probably is)
A minor update is coming up soon and well roll this fix in.

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