Trying to switch team to 6?

who’s got a great list of bulletpoints why rhino 6 is the new jam?

we’ve got a bunch on board but I figured you guys had more in-depth analysis

also is there an edit group? or an edit boolean (undo boolean) yet ?

maybe there’s a new list of commands somewhere as well?

Thanks, Z

new commands list?

This has a lot of detail as you drill down:

Does anyone have a bullepoints list of why a 16:9 LCD 4K monitor is better than a 4:3 CRT 1600x1200 monitor? …because that’s how different Rhino 6 works, looks and feels compared to Rhino 5.

If I made my team work in Rhino 5 I’d feel like I’m really not running a responsible business. The smoothness, visual quality, and performance increase alone of dealing with large files is worth it. Regardless of any new features.

Just download a demo and try it for a few days, then try to go back. Just try. Sometimes I do go back to V5 to do a Tsplines thing and it feels so gross.


wow i’ll just copy paste this repsonse =P

Thanks all…