Hello Kike,
thank you for your answer, I am still having some trouble and I do not see where is the problem
here is the error message :
Compile Error
Operator ‘+=’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘ModelUserText?’ and ‘Dictionary<string, string>’ (Error CS0019) rhinocode:///grasshopper/1/c910a9af-d0c7-4586-a2b1-d3b1e4f913e1/55496573-fc3a-4fee-9652-fe10387ca67b:[108:5]
Here is my full code, the interesting part is at the beginning where there is the method makeModelObject that creates a ModelObject with the appropriate UserText from a point :
// Grasshopper Script Instance
//#! csharp
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using Rhino;
using Rhino.Geometry;
using Rhino.DocObjects;
using Grasshopper;
using Grasshopper.Kernel;
using Grasshopper.Kernel.Data;
using Grasshopper.Kernel.Types;
using Grasshopper.Rhinoceros.Model;
public class Script_Instance : GH_ScriptInstance
private GH_ModelObject makeModelObject (Point3d p, Boolean travel, double travelF, double millingF) {
//METHOD that create a ModelObject of a Point3D with the appropriate userText
// --> G1 if it is a milling point
// --> G0 if it is a travel point
//p : the geometry of the GH_ModelObject
//travel : flag to specify if the point is a travel point
//travelF : the feed rate of a travel point
//millingF : the feed rate of a milling point
//Console.WriteLine("p from makeModelObject" + p);
GH_ModelObject.Attributes modelObject = new GH_ModelObject.Attributes();
if (p != null)
modelObject.Geometry = GH_Convert.ToGeometricGoo(p);
Dictionary<string, string> newUserText = new Dictionary<string, string>();
if (travel)
newUserText["gCode"] = "G0";
newUserText["F"] = travelF.ToString();
newUserText["gCode"] = "G1";
newUserText["F"] = millingF.ToString();
modelObject.UserText += newUserText;
throw new Exception("The point we are trying to add is null !");
return modelObject;
private void RunScript(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Rhino.Geometry.Curve> curves, Rhino.Geometry.Point3d entryPoint, double zElevation, double travelF, double millingF, double segmentLength, bool ramp, double rampRadius, bool millingStyle, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> posturalFlags, out object a, out object b, out object c, out object d, out object error)
// rampDivideAndChainCurves
// METHOD that transforms a list of curve into a list of GH_ModelObject
// that wrap points that come from a divide by length of the curves.
// each curve ool posturalFlag, is divided its points are wrapped with userText into a GH_ModelObject.
// each curve is 'chained to the next curve using travel points that are zElevation higher.
//curves : a list of curves
//entryPoint : the entry point (the origin of the table)
//zElevation : the height for the travel points
//travelF : the feed rate of a travel point
//millingF : the feed rate of a milling point
//segmentLength : the spacing between points
//ramp : the presence of ramps in between curves
//rampRadius : radius of thoses ramps
//millingStyle : reverse or conventional
//posturalFlags : a list of booleans mirroring the list of curves if the flag is true then no points will be outputed from the script
//Console.WriteLine("objectsList.GetType()" + objectsList.GetType());
// Create a new list to store the GH_ModelObjects
List<GH_ModelObject> list = new List<GH_ModelObject>();
Point3d bPoint = Point3d.Unset;
Point3d cPoint = Point3d.Unset;
Vector3d dVector = Vector3d.Unset;
bool posturalCheck = true;
Point3d currentEntryPoint = entryPoint;
List<String> errorMessages = new List<String>();
// Declare a variable to hold the centroid of the second curve
//Point3d centroidOfSecondCurve = Point3d.Unset;
try {
if (posturalFlags == null) {
posturalCheck = false;
if (curves != null && entryPoint != null) {
int curveIndex = 0;
// Iterate over the curves
foreach (Curve curve in curves) {
// if the posturalCheck is false
// OR
// if the posturalFlag corresponding the currentCurve is false then we proceed with the code, if it is true we skip the curve
if (!posturalCheck || !posturalFlags.ToList()[curveIndex]) {
//Add a copy of the entry point (last point of the previous curve), shifted 20mm higher in the Z direction
Point3d elevatedEntryPoint = new Point3d(currentEntryPoint.X, currentEntryPoint.Y, zElevation);
list.Add(makeModelObject(elevatedEntryPoint, true, travelF, millingF));
// the last point before the firstMillingPoint
Point3d travelPoint;
// the first point of each curve of the list
Point3d firstMillingPoint = curve.PointAtStart;
//if ramp we set the travelPoint as the arcFirstPoint to have an arc between this point and the firstMillingPoint
if (ramp) {
// Calculate the tangent vector and perpendicular vector at the first point of the curve
Vector3d tangent = curve.TangentAtStart;
bPoint = firstMillingPoint;
dVector = tangent;
// Calculate the offset point on the tangent "line"
Point3d offsetPoint = firstMillingPoint - (rampRadius * tangent);
cPoint = offsetPoint;
//we set the travelPoint as an elevation of the offsetPoint
travelPoint = new Point3d(offsetPoint.X, offsetPoint.Y, offsetPoint.Z + rampRadius);
// // Add a copy of the travelPoint, shifted 20mm higher in the Z direction
Point3d elevatedTravelPoint = new Point3d(travelPoint.X, travelPoint.Y, zElevation);
list.Add(makeModelObject(elevatedTravelPoint, true, travelF, millingF));
// //Add the travelPoint
list.Add(makeModelObject(travelPoint, true, travelF, millingF));
Vector3d vectorForTheArc = Vector3d.CrossProduct(tangent, Vector3d.XAxis);
// Create the arc leading to the first point of the curve
Arc arc = new Arc();
// Create the arc leading to the first point of the curve
Arc arc1 = new Arc(travelPoint, -vectorForTheArc, firstMillingPoint);
// Create the arc leading to the first point of the curve
Arc arc2 = new Arc(travelPoint, vectorForTheArc, firstMillingPoint);
// Console.WriteLine("arc " + arc);
// Console.WriteLine("arc.IsValid " + arc.IsValid);
// if thr arc is valid we discretize it and add its points to the path
if (arc1.IsValid && arc2.IsValid) {
// Calculate the lengths of all three arcs
double arc1Length = arc1.Length;
double arc2Length = arc2.Length;
// Find the shortest arc
if (arc1Length < arc2Length)
arc = arc1;
else if (arc2Length < arc1Length)
arc = arc2;
//convert the arc to a curve
Curve arcCurve = arc.ToNurbsCurve();
// Console.WriteLine("arcCurve " + arcCurve);
// Console.WriteLine("arcCurve.GetLength() " + arcCurve.GetLength());
//we divide the arc and add its points as travel points
Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[] arcPoints;
arcCurve.DivideByLength(segmentLength, false, out arcPoints);
if (arcPoints != null)
foreach (Rhino.Geometry.Point3d point in arcPoints) {
//Console.WriteLine("rampPoint " + point);
list.Add(makeModelObject(point, true, travelF, millingF));
} else {
errorMessages.Add("0divideAndChainCurves : problem creating a ramp");
//if there is no ramp the travelPoint is the elevatedFirstMillingPoint
} else {
// Add a copy of the secondTrajectoryPoint, shifted 20mm higher in the Z direction
travelPoint = new Point3d(firstMillingPoint.X, firstMillingPoint.Y, zElevation);
list.Add(makeModelObject(travelPoint, true, travelF, millingF));
list.Add(makeModelObject(firstMillingPoint, false, travelF, millingF));
// Divide the curve by length
curve.TryGetPolyline(out Polyline pc);
Rhino.Geometry.Point3d[] points = pc.ToArray();
//curve.DivideAsContour.DivideByLength(segmentLength, false, out points);
if (points != null) {
foreach (Rhino.Geometry.Point3d point in points) {
list.Add(makeModelObject(point, false, travelF, millingF));
// Add a copy of the last curve point
Point3d lastCurvePoint = curve.PointAtEnd;
list.Add(makeModelObject(lastCurvePoint, false, travelF, millingF));
//linking each curve to the next we set the current entrypoint to the last of the current curve
currentEntryPoint = curve.PointAtEnd;
} else {
Console.WriteLine("0divideAndChainCurves : curves or entryPoint is null !!");
errorMessages.Add("0divideAndChainCurves : curves or entryPoint is null !!");
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine("0divideAndChainCurves : "+e.Message);
errorMessages.Add("0divideAndChainCurves : "+e.Message);
// Assign the tree to the 'a' out parameter
a = list;
b = bPoint;
c = cPoint;
d = dVector;
error = errorMessages;
Also if I remove the GH_ prefix in front of ModelObject as in your code, here is the error i get :
Compile Error
The type or namespace name ‘ModelObject’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) (Error CS0246)
Thank you for your lights.