Trying to connect centroids to voronoi edges

Hi all! When I try to connect the centroids to the middle points of the edges I get a forest of lines all over, when I actually want a nice neet star shape. How do I connect the centroids exclusively with the visualized points of it’s own cell? Thanks!!

Def for (15.7 KB)

The link to your file is broken.

I added a screen shot… will add the def

Dont have voronax but this is a list understanding issue. Graft the start points. Don’t flatten the points being used for endpoints.

I tried all the possibilities with grafting and flattening but am always getting this mess…

Trust us, you have not yet tried all the possibilities. :wink: I don’t have that plugin either; is it really necessary?

P.S. It looks like you forgot to internalize your ‘Crv’ param?

tried all the possibilities with grafting and flattening but am always getting this mess…

Never try all combinations. That means you don’t understand the data. Try and look at how the data matches. As said graft the start (center points) and don’t flatten the end (edge mid points) (20.1 KB)

Thank you so much!