Hi Im trying to get the cover to make a form shape of the two piece case but im having issues with boolean difference,
I have changed the case from mesh to nurb but kept the mesh under the working layer,
It seems the front polysurfacemodel is having issues with the absolute tolerance limit,
Dear @storm4710
if you need clean nurbs-Data for production, i think you need to remodel / reverse engineer the Mesh Data. There is some basic functionality in Rhino for reverse engineering (that should be enough for this part), but there are specialised software packages as well.
you might consider working with mesh-Data, and try a mesh-Boolean.
you may also get some results via _qadremesh → Sub-D → _toNurbs → Boolean…
it depends a bit on what you want to do with the final data (rendering, production, internal use,…)
and your PolySurface is “non-manifold” (check properties).
boolean difference will not work with this
use _showEdges → naked , non manifold to see those problems.
Im doing a one-off ESC cover for my electric skateboard,
I dont plan produce any of these other than a single 3d printed for my own use,
I will try that
Your meshes are very messy - they are full of holes.
For a Boolean operation to create anything useful from this, you’ll have to fix that first. Since the cover isn’t likely to follow every single depression in the objects, I would suggest to create new NURBS objects that follow the general shape of the objects. You could create a few intersections through the meshes to create construction curves and work from those.
Yep i just downloaded a eval version of Rhino 7
I bought Rhino 6 when i was working at company doing 3d design for casts and molds,
now i work on something very different so i use Rhino as a hobbyist upgrading to a Rhino 7 license is way to expensive for my current use case sadly,
That’s fine. You don’t need Rhino 7 to create this cover.
The current version of Rhino 6, however, is 6.35 and there shouldn’t be a reason not to update to that.