Lately, I struggle a lot with using Rhino geometry inside Revit. Many geometries that look completely valid inside Rhino sooner or later are making troubles in Revit. Even very simple ones.
Are there some rules one should follow when preparing geometry for Revit? Right now I am always uncertain whether geometry will work or not. How troubleshoot situations like this? I think it would be very helpful to have some in-depth video or help guide about how Rhino geometries might be interpreted by the Revit.
Rhino 7.11.21257
Revit 2022
RiR 1.3.7927
Wall by Mass Face 1
What seems to be pretty simple geometry in Rhino in Revit has more complex edges and the result is that I can’t make a Wall by Mass Face out of it
wall by face.gh (15.6 KB)
wall by face.rvt (5.3 MB)
wall by face.3dm (58.3 KB)
Edges in Rhino
Edges in Revit are shattered
Wall by Mass Face 2
This geometry was solely created to test Wall By Face and joining between roof and walls.
One-half of the geometry is producing expected results, the second half is not trimming the wall.
This seemed as a very clean input, wall by mass face is not trimmed correctly - made in grasshopper
Rebuilded surfaces works ok
Rhino to Revit and back
What seemed like a pretty good geometry, when brought back to Rhino shows some problems.
to rhino and back.3dm (2.2 MB)
to rhino and back.gh (43.7 KB)
Wall by face 2 & To Rhino and back.rvt (6.5 MB)
Geometry produced in Grasshopper, not showing any problems
Doesn’t look as a valid polysurface to me, nor it acts like a valid one