Trouble selecting end points in R8

Hello everyone,

I have started working earnestly with R8. I’m currently working on an STL file that I will mill out on my CNC router. My issue is in selecting end points in order to move the model to origin.

I opened the STL in R8, drew a bounding box to get the size, which was several hundred inches long. I scaled it to 1/24 scale which gave me a 16" long x 10" wide by 2.5" high model. My next task was to move the model from it’s original position from outer space to 0,0,0.

Here’s where the trouble started…

I tried to select an endpoint from the bounding box in order to move the model to origin before resaving aa an STL and exporting to the router control package. I had this problem way back on R5 or R6. I do not remember the remedy that I used back then.
I’m sure that this is operator error rather than changes in R8. If someone has a solution or commands to do this in R8, I’m all ears.


Terry Wellman

Hi Terry - the End Onsap fails in the Move command, trying to snap to a corner of the box, is that correct? Is the view in wireframe or a shaded display mode? If just the box is there, (hide the mesh) does it make any difference? If it still fails, please export the box to a new file, and see if it still fails. If so, post that file.

Also you might check the settings in Options > Modeling aids page - do those osnap settings make sense?


Hi Pascal,

I hope that you having a wonderful holiday season.

I did not have “End” selected on the Osnap window. Once I checked the box for “End”, I was able to set the “Move From” End point and move the model to origin.

Thanks a ton for getting back to me.

Merry Christmas,
